Resilience and Reinvestment leads to Excellence

Adhan was an all-star student during our 2018-19 program year. Throughout the program year, he demonstrated a great deal of thoughtfulness and determination which led him to become one of the top Code2College students from his school in Manor ISD. As a result, Adhan was invited to interview with one of our partners, Forcepoint, and received an offer to join them as a Code2College Cybersecurity Intern in Summer 2019. And though Adhan earned a return offer for Summer 2020, as was the case for roughly half of our Summer 2020 Interns, he experienced a pandemic-related offer rescission.

Not letting that stop him, Adhan joined the inaugural Code2College Labs team in Summer 2020. This a five-intern team of interns who all had their offers rescinded due to COVID, and were intently focused on building out products for Code2College. Adhan played a crucial role in developing a Learning Management System for Code2College that we’ve used for nearly two years. Over 750 students benefited from this LMS

Since then, Adhan completed his freshman year at University of Texas at San Antonio and transferred to the University of Texas at Austin to complete his Computer Science degree. He has also provided additional technical assistance in helping to develop a mobile app for Code2College.

This Summer, we are proud to share that Adhan is now crushing his final undergraduate Summer internship as a Validation & Systems Engineering Intern with Silicon Labs: a founding Code2College corporate partner. While also staying in contact with Code2College, he leveraged our Alumni team to identify an internship that aligned with his major and skillset, and we couldn’t be happier.

Adhan’s resilience throughout the past several years has resulted in some great outcomes, not only for himself but also Code2College and his community. We’re excited for him as he wraps up his undergraduate career and prepares to enter the workforce!

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